The Jean Monnet Chair in EU Economic Policies and Civil Society is headed by Professor Oleksandr Kubatko at Sumy State University since September 2020. The responsible teachers from Sumy State University are Vladyslava Zavhorodnia, Andriana Kostenko, Leonid Melnyk L., Bohdan Kovalov, Oleksii Gonacharenko, Yulia Chortoc. There are also two foreign teachers from EU: Jean-Marc Trouille, University of Bradford (UK) and Martin Dangerfield, University of Wolverhampton (UK).
The main objective of this Jean Monnet Chair is to promote stability and sustainability in Europe through education and civil society development. With respect to the host organization, this “Jean Monnet Chair in EU Economic Policies and Civil Society” (JMCEU) aims to build the first Jean Monnet Chair at Sumy State University. Our target groups are university, college students, secondary schools pupils and Ukrainian citizens in general.
Our JMCEU Chair aims to develop five main modules, and e-learning platform for the promotion of EU studies related to EU policies and civil society. Within this JMCEU Chair the following is expected: a) Development of the teaching materials for the eight courses; b) Establishment of the five open online courses and Website; c) Publication of textbook and monograph related to EU policies and civil society; d) Retraining and training university teachers, students and schoolteachers on EU related issues; e) Including EU aspect to the conferences organized at Sumy State University; а) Promotion the networking activities within the civil society, EU HEIs partners and networks.
More detailed information on Jean Monnet Chair in EU Economic Policies and Civil Society (619878-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR) can be found on the following links:
First-year of Jean Monnet project realization
- The week of education for civil society “The art of living together”
- Jean Monnet lectures and training for students of the Machine Building College
- Module “Common Foreign and Security Policy: Legal Framework for EU-Ukraine Cooperation” within the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Economic Policies and Civil Society
- International level victory: 1st place for Sumy student at the International Competition “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities” in Kremenchuk
- “Modern trends in economic development” – in a modern textbook
- A Collective Monograph Looking to the Future: Economists about Modern Industrial Revolutions and Sustainable Development
- Forum of student initiatives within EU project
Second-year of Jean Monnet project realization
- Jean Monnet Conference on imperatives of economic growth in Ukraine and in the EU
- Regional integration in EU from Jean-Marc TROUILLE for teachers and researchers of SumDU
- Basics of EU economy from Jean-Marc TROUILLE for students of SumDU
- International Conference in Prague
- Modern industrial revolutions in the light of EU economic policy by professor L. Melnyk
- Jean Monnet lectures for National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
- Lectures within the Jean Monnet program
- EU economies and EU economic policies for SSU students
- Economic policy in the EU and technical progress: lectures by Doctor of Economics, Prof. Leonid Melnyk for students of the ELiT faculty
- Victory in the International Competition «Black Sea Science 2022»
- The Second Year of Teaching at the Jean Monnet Chair
- Security issues in the innovative economy are raised by Ukrainian scientists in an international monograph
- Lectures for the virtual classroom
- Participation in the organizational meeting of the All-Ukrainian flash mob #ErasmusPlus35yearsUkraine
- Members of Jean Monnet’s project teams took part in the All-Ukrainian flash mob #ErasmusPlus35yearsUkraine within the framework of Europe 2022 Days in Ukraine
- Scientific and educational bridge between the USA and Ukraine: SumDU teachers and students take part in discussion of security issues
- Conference “Management of the XXI Century: Globalization Challenges”
- Together we dream of the digital future of Ukraine: Lecture by Professor L. Melnyk for teachers and students of Cherkasy National University (CHNU)
- Round table “European studies in wartime: the Ukrainian dimension”
- Bachelor qualification thesis defense in the specialty “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities”
- Industries 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, economic security and the European way of development of Ukraine: Speech by Professors L. Melnyk and O. Kubatko at an international conference in Lviv
- Economic security and the European way of development of Ukraine: speeches at the forum of the academic community of SSU scientists
- Cooperation of teachers with the machine building college within the framework of Jean Monet projects
- Results of the teaching of the meaningful module “Legal support of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the field of foreign and security policy” in 2022
Third-year of Jean Monnet project realization
- 10th Vernadky readings: a lecture by Professor L. Melnyk at the Sumy Regional Library
- The prospects of EU development: a webinar with Jean Monnet professors
- All-Ukrainian conference at Poltava State Agrarian University
- Conference “ Modern economic science: theory and practice”
- EU economy and economic policies
- Acquaintance of first-year students with the future of the country and the world
- EU Trade Policy within Jean Monnet
- Participation in the International conference in Prague
- Dissemination of best practices of Jean Monet projects implementing
- Lectures to students of the machine building college of Sumy State University within the framework of Jean Monet projects
- Ukraine and the EU: socio-economic security in conditions of war
- Cluster webinar “Strengthening the Capacity of Ukrainian Education for the European Integration”
- EU economy and economic policies
- Reporting on the scientific topic “Sustainable development and resource security: from disruptive technologies to the digital transformation of Ukraine’s economy”
- Jean Monet Chair for EU Economic Policy and Civil Society
- Lecture by Professor of European Studies Jean-Marc Trouille
- European integration is a daily difficult path and joint work
- Round Table dedicated to relations between Ukraine and Azerbaijan
- Strategies of the green university within the framework of Jean Monnet projects
- Basics of EU trade policy
- The Third Year of Teaching as Part of the Jean Monet Сhair for the “Law” specialities
- Lectures to SNAU students as part of the Jean Monet project
- Spatial analysis and creation of maps of public space
- Democracy: from theory to practice
- Lectures to students of PolNTU named after Y. Kondratyuk as part of the Jean Monet project
- “ECONOMICS FOR ECOLOGY” conference (EU practices for sustainable economy implementation within Industries 4.0 and 5.0)
- Basics of the EU economy and economic policies by Jean-Marc Trouillet
- Results of the third year of study of he Module “Common Foreign and Security Policy: Legal Framework for EU-Ukraine Cooperation”
- EU Economic Policy and Civil Society textbook as part of the Jean Monet project
- Bachelor qualification thesis defense in the specialty “Economics” related to EU studies
- Basics of EU economy and EU economic policies from Jean-Marc TROUILLE
- Social economy for sustainable development: a scientific and educational bridge between Sumy State University and KhNU named after V. Karazina
- EU economy and EU economic policies from Jean-Marc TROUILLE
- Publications related to the realization of Jean Monnet Chair “EU Economic Policies and Civil Society”
- Entrepreneurship for sustainable development in the EU: lectures for students of KhNU named after V. Karazina