Jean Monnet module on Disruptive technologies for sustainable development in conditions of Industries 4.0 and 5.0: the EU Experience (101083435 — DTSDI — ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH) (2022 – 2025)

The Jean Monnet module on Disruptive technologies for sustainable development in conditions of Industries 4.0 and 5.0: the EU Experience (DTSDI) is headed by Professor Oleksandr Kubatko at Sumy State University since October 2022.The responsible teachers from Sumy State University are Leonid Melnyk, Iryna Dehtyarova, Oleksandra Karintseva , Bohdan Kovalov, and Oleksandr Matsenko.

The main objective of this Jean Monet project is to promote innovation and sustainable development in Europe through education and civil society development. The target audience of the DTSDI module are university students, secondary school students and citizens of Ukraine in general.

The DTSDI module aims to develop four core courses and an e-learning platform to promote research and education related to EU policies for innovation and sustainable development.

Within the DTSDI module is expected: a) to develop learning materials for four educational courses; b) creation of open online courses and a website; c) publication of textbook and monograph related to EU policy in the field of innovation and sustainable development; d) inclusion of the EU aspect in conferences at Sumy State University; e) promotion of networking activities within the framework of civil society, partners and networks of higher education institutions.

More detailed information about the progress of the Jean Monet module can be found at the following Internet links:


First-year of Jean Monnet Module realization

  1. Sustainable development is a global problem. Research and teaching internship in Australia prof. L. Melnyk
  2. Social entrepreneurship in the EU: lessons for Ukraine
  3. Disruptive technologies in the EU for sustainable development: classes for students of the Kharkiv National University of Economics named after S. Kuznets
  4. The art of managing disruptive technologies: from Professor Leonid Melnyk
  5. “ECONOMICS FOR ECOLOGY” conference (EU practices for sustainable economy implementation within Industries 4.0 and 5.0)
  6. Disruptive technologies in light of Industries 3.0, 4.0, 5.0: EU experience – Economists’ view
  7. “Modern Disruptive technologies” are in the focus of the master’s students of Sumy State University
  8. A monograph aimed at the future
  9. Lectures for students of Kharkiv National University named after V. Karazin
  10. Disruptive technologies for future economists
  11. “Modern Disruptive technologies” are in the focus of the master’s students of Sumy State University
  12. Disruptive technologies – for the attention of students and teachers: Lecture exchange of teachers of Sumy State University and O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  13. Disruptive technologies for graduate students-economists of Sumy State University
  14. Cooperation of teachers with the mechanical engineering college within the framework of the Jean Monnet Module
  15. Disruptive technologies for post-graduate students of Sumy State University

Second-year of Jean Monnet project realization

  1. EU economy and economic policies in the light of disruptive technologies
  2. Disruptive technologies as the key to the future: a cycle of classes for undergraduate students of Sumy State University
  3. Disruptive technologies for sustainable development. A cycle of classes at Sumy State University for Chinese students
  4. Disruptive technologies – in the light of modern industrial revolutions: a series of classes by Sumy State University teachers for teachers and students of the Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (KNUBA)
  5. Schoolchildren of the city get acquainted with modern disruptive technologies
  6. Disruptive technologies as the key to the future: completion of the cycle of classes for undergraduate students of Sumy State University
  7. Industries 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and the formation of security of socio-economic systems in conditions of war for SNAU students
  8. Training on the development of startup projects within the framework of the regional accelerator
  9. Lectures to students of the machine building college within the framework of Jean Monnet Module
  10. The 12th Vernad readings at the Sumy Regional Library with the participation of Sumy State University teachers
  11. Final lectures and discussions on the topic “Industries 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and the formation of security of socio-economic systems in conditions of war” for SNAU students
  12. Disruptive technologies and sustainable development in construction: a scientific and educational bridge between Sumy State University and Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (KNUBA)
  13. German scientist to Ukrainian scientists: “Ukrainian-language edition of Professor Niko Shter’s book”
  14. Disruptive technologies for sustainable development. Lecture and round table for Chinese students
  15. “ECONOMICS FOR ECOLOGY” conference (EU practices in the field of education for sustainable development)
  16. Lectures and training for students of the Machine Building College on disruptive technologies, entrepreneurship and startups
  17. German scientist to Ukrainian scientists: “Ukrainian-language edition of Professor Niko Shter’s book”

Third-year of Jean Monnet project realization

  1. “Cloud” and the reality of the Earth’s unified information system in the book of fairy tales by Leonid Melnyk
  2. EU practices of disruptive technologies for economic security and entrepreneurship for National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»
  3. Foreign post-graduate economists of Sumy State University look into the future together with teachers
  4. Еconomic development in the light of Industries 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 for bachelor students in economics
  5. Defence of qualification theses in the specialties “Economics” and “Entrepreneurship and Trade”
  6. Meetings with schoolchildren on the topic of starting a business and disruptive technologies
  7. Traning and discussion on Environental Impact Assessment
  8. Plenary speech at 4th IMCETEMDS within Jean Monnet Module