“Cloud” and the reality of the Earth’s unified information system in the book of fairy tales by Leonid Melnyk

Another popular science book “Mirkuvalka” by D.E.Sc. Leonid Melnyk, professor of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration (EPBA) of Sumy State University, director of the Research Institute of Development Economics of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Through the storylines of fairy tales and amazing stories, the contours of the new reality of humanity can be seen, in which the young readers of this book will soon have to live and act. This reality is the only information system of the Earth, which is currently being formed on the basis of the “Cloud” and global communication networks.

Professor Melnyk’s co-authors are his grandsons: 17-year-old Daniel and 15-year-old Darian.

The book uses the results of Jean Monet’s EU project, which is currently being carried out at the EPBA department:

“Disruptive technologies for sustainable development in conditions of Industries 4.0 and 5.0: the EU Experience” (101083435 — DTSDI — ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH) (2022-2025) headed O. Kubatko