Module on trade with EU

Jean Monnet module “EU trade opportunities and challenges for Ukraine” (EUTOU) 573581-EPP-1-2016-1-UAEPPJMO-MODULE (2016–2019)

The Jean Monnet module “EU trade opportunities and challenges for Ukraine” is headed by Associate Professor Oleksandr Kubatko at Sumy State University since September 2016.  The responsible teachers from Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration Department are Pimonenko T., Melnyk L., Kovalev B., Chortok Yu., and Chigrin O.

The following publications were prepared within the project:

•Two study guides and monograph : O. V. Kubatko, T. V. Pimonenko, “Basics of European Economy and EU Trade Policy”; O. V. Kubatko, T. V. Pimonenko “EU trade policy and Ukraine”; European economy and Ukraine: potential for trade cooperation and development (monograph).

•A section on European Trade Policy was prepared for the textbook “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity”;

•Seven research papers and 12 abstracts for scientific conferences.

•Three distance courses have been developed: “The basics of European economy and EU trade policy”, “EU trade and Ukraine”, “EU Trade Policy: Experience from the Visegrad States”;

•A set of presentation materials and recommendations how to teach EU disciplines (guides for teachers) were developed to provide appropriate lecturing and training;

•It was created a net-work of partner-Universities: (Sumy state university (Sumy, Ukraine), Poltava National University named after Yuri Kondratyuk (Poltava, Ukraine), National University “Ostroh academy” (Ostroh, Ukraine), Kaunas University of Technology (Kaunas, Lithuania), Matej Bela University (Banska Bystrica, Slovak Republic ), Machinebuiding college of SSU (Sumy, Ukraine), Sumy National Agrarian University (Sumy, Ukraine), Pryazovskyi State Technical University (PSTU) (Mariupol, Ukraine), Kharkiv National Economic University named after S. Kuznets (Kharkiv , Ukraine), Energy and Resources Institute (New Delhi, India), Salem State University (Salem, MA,  USA)  for wide public participation on EU studies and discussion of  EU-Ukraine cooperation.

A number of research activities have been carried out to substantiate the content of the module. Thus, the implementation of the project resulted in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the Ukrainian economy related to deepening trade with the EU. In particular, it has been found that agricultural enterprises and agro-industrial enterprises have a significant potential of competitiveness on EU markets; while, machine-building and engineering enterprises are among the weakest, and often are not competitive with the EU manufacturing enterprises.

The results of the Jean Monnet module were presented in 27 research and academic publications.

Based on the trade potential between Ukraine and EU it was identified the key areas that contribute to long-run economic growth. Within this JM module it was also discussed legal aspects and real economic situations concerning the protection of trade interests by each part of “Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement” (DCFTA) between Ukraine and the European Union. The main opportunities and challenges of Ukraine’s trade with the EU are determined. It was organized a scientific work of students on relevant issues and prospects of EU trade with Ukraine.

This Jean Monnet Module is implemented through the series of lecture and seminars: 1) for the students “Economics”, “Entrepreneurship”, “Journalism”, “Management”, “Advertising”, and “Computer Science” specialties at Sumy State University ( 2016-2019); 2) for the students of “Economic Cybernetics”, “Accounting and Audit”, and “Finance” specialties at National University “Ostroh Academy” (2017); 3) for the students of “Economics”, “Entrepreneurship”, and “Management” specialties at Poltava National Technical University (2016-2018); 4) for the teaching staff at the Sumy State University (2016-2019); 5) for students of the Machine-Building College of Sumy State University (2017-2019); 6) for students of “Management”, “Economics”, and “Marketing” specialties at Sumy National Agrarian University (2017-2019 years); 7) for the students of Kharkiv National Economic University named after. S. Kuznets (2017-2018).

This Jean Monnet Module is also implemented through seminars and roundtables debates: 1) the debates of “Analytical Center of the Agrarian Union of Ukraine” on the readiness, tasks and ways of implementing the Association Agreement (2018); 2) International Workshop “European Studies outside the EU: Teaching and Research” organized by the Ukrainian Association of Teachers and Researchers of European Integration (2018); 3) seminars for schools teachers and teachers at educational institutions of 1-2 levels of accreditation within the framework of the biannual Business School “Youth & Business” (2016-2019); 4) seminars for teachers, scientists and representatives of non-governmental organizations at Sumy National Agrarian University (2017); 5) consultation session of the National Erasmus + Office (2016).

Tetyana Pimonenko has provided a series of lectures and seminars to ensure international visibility of project results, in particular: 1) seminars for teachers and staff of the Kaunas University of Technology (Kaunas,  Lithuania, 2016); 2) lectures for students of the University of Mateja Belau (Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, 2017); 3) seminar for the participants of the ITEC program at the Institute of Energy and Resources (New Delhi, India, 2018); lectures for students of Riga technical university (Riga, Latvia, 2018); lectures for the students of Salem State University (Salem, MA,  USA,  2019).

More detailed information on the Jean Monnet Module “EU trade opportunities and challenges for Ukraine” (EUTOU can be found on the following links:

First year of Jean Monnet project realization

Jean Monnet module lectures for the students in Poltava

Jean Monnet lectures for the students of Ostroh academy

Second year of Jean Monnet project realization
Third year of Jean Monnet project realization