A cycle of classes was held for undergraduate economics students of Sumy State University: “Industries 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 for sustainable development: EU experience for Ukraine”. Lecturer – Doctor of Economics Leonid Melnyk, professor of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration (EPBA) of Sumy State University, director of the Institute of Development Economics of the MES and NAS.
On example of EU experience the possibilities of different instruments for formation of sustainable economy related to conditions of Industries 4.0 and 5.0 in Ukraine are shown. The aim of this course is to introduce students to theories and approaches that analyse the role of information in contemporary society. The task is to advance students critical reflection capacities about the kind of society we live in and about their own role in society as students and future actors in information professions. The course provided knowledge on how the EU contributes to carry-out socio-economic and technical analyses relating to the EU sustainable economy forming. These analyses focus on: a) what are the drivers and consequences of sustainable economy; b) measuring the impact of disruptive technologies on growth, jobs and consumer welfare in the EU; c) influence of disruptive technologies on employment/employability, cultural diversity and socio-economic inclusion.
The course consists of Units: Information basis as the ground of industrial revolutions. Key concepts and main debates on sustainable society theory. The matter and peculiarities of sustainable economy in EU. Comparative analysis of information society and previous formation (production – consumption and social factors). experience of economic, political, and cultural aspects of the information society. Virtual enterprises and global scale of economic society. Information goods E-Commerce and information technologies. Digital basis of shaping economy & society as a result of Industry 4.0. “Cloud” technologies as a new reality for shaping the global memory (Industry 5.0). Human factors and new life style in sustainable society. Social development instead economic growth as the principal aim of sustainable society.
The cycle of classes was prepared as part of the Jean Monet EU project, which is currently being carried out at the economics, entrepreneurship and business administration department of Sumy State University: “Disruptive technologies for sustainable development in conditions of Industries 4.0 and 5.0: the EU Experience” (101083435 -DTSDI – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH) (2022-2025) headed by O. Kubatko.