EU economy and EU economic policies from Jean-Marc TROUILLE

During the Fall semester 2023 Jean-Marc TROUILLE (Jean Monnet Chair, Associate Professor, School of Management (University of Bradford, UK) has provided online lecturing at Sumy state university within Jean Monnet Chair “EU Economic Policies and Civil Society” (619878-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR).

Jean-Marc TROUILLE is delivering lecturing for the students of Sumy state University (economic, engineering and law specialties) on “Basics of EU economy and economic policies”.

Jean-Marc has provided information about levels of regional integration, including Free Trade Area (FTA), Customs Union, Common Market, Economic Union, Political Union.  The arguments for regional integration  have   economic   (allows/facilitates specialisation, Increases production and consumption, Leads to (greater) economic growth, Allows/facilitates technology transfer) and political  roots (economic interdependence should lead to less conflict, more peace and political co-operation, Political ‘weight’ of a larger unit in international arenas such as WTO talks).

During the last lectures Jean-Marc TROUILLE provided key facts about EU:

The world’s largest economy after the US

The world’s largest trading bloc

The world’s largest exporter of manufactured goods and services

The world’s largest importer of manufactured goods and services

The world’s largest exporter of agricultural food products

The world’s largest research programme into new scientific discoveries

The world’s largest aid donor to poor countries

The world’s largest carbon market

The world’s largest investor and recipient of FDI

The world’s largest civilian robotics programme

The world’s largest producer of scientific publications

The world’s largest number of science graduates

The world’s largest wind farm market

The world’s largest number of commercial seaports

The world’s largest merchant fleet

… one of the most outward oriented economies in the world, and the world’s largest single market area.

The students have an opportunity to discuss the peculiarities of EU integration and Basics of EU economy functioning.