Man and development – in scientific and popular science books Professor, Doctor of Economics Leonid Melnyk


On Constitution Day, the Sumy Regional Universal Scientific Library hosted a creative meeting with Dr. Leonid Melnyk, professor of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration (EEBA) of Sumy State University.

At the meeting, Professor Melnyk presented his new monograph “Additive Economics”, the book “Modern Knowledge Societies” by the German professor Niko Stehr, in which he acted as a scientific editor.

Three popular science books were also presented: “Mirkuvalki”, “Povchalki”, “Ukrainian lullabies”. In them, through the storylines of fairy tales and amazing stories, the contours of the socio-economic realities in which humanity will have to live in the near future can be seen.

Those present also recalled the events of twenty years ago, related to the protest of Sumy students and teachers who supported them, against the unification of three Sumy universities. That protest, which began exactly 20 years ago, also on Constitution Day, ended with the victory of the protesters. A warm event at the library was the meeting of the former protest leader, who was the student rector, Iryna Merkun, and Professor Melnyk, who at that time acted as the rector of his student and the rector.

Iryna Merkun remembered those stormy days.

Acting Head of the library Valentina Kalchenko thanked for the books donated to the library.

In his speech, Doctor of Economics, Professor Oleksandr Kubatko drew attention to the deep scientific content that appears between the lines of the presented children’s fairy tales of the author, the co-authors of which are his grandchildren.

Children, the main readers of Professor Melnyk’s children’s books, took part in the meeting with pleasure.

It should be noted the contribution of the amateur artist, student of the Sumy State University Maksym Kyrilenko, who made the illustrations of the mentioned books, and Yulia Zavdovyeva, a scientist of the EPBA department, who performed the editorial work on preparing the books for printing. All books were published by the Sumy publishing house “University Book”, and a sufficient circulation of children’s books “Mirkuvalka” and “Ukrainian Lullabies” for the libraries of the city and region was provided thanks to the Charity Fund “Technology”.

The results of the Jean Monet EU grant Social Solidarity Economy: implementing EU experience for Sustainable Development (SSExpEU – 101047518 – GAP-101047518) (2022-2025) were used in the work on the books.