Italian Digest

Italian Digest

From 14 to October 18, lectures of the Department of Economics and Business Administration of SSU Doctor of Economics, Professor Leonid Melnyk (Head of the Department) and senior lecturer Oleksandr Derykolenko took part in an International Conference on Economics and Business in Venice.

Like all the previous conferences held by the International Eurasia Business and Economics Society, the conference was held at a high level. It was presented by participants from 56 countries from all continents, representing 258 different organizations.

The conference was held in the hotel complex on a small Venetian island San Servolo, which one can slowly walk around the perimeter in 12-15 minutes.

The size of the island is that of a football field, but it looks more like greenery oasis.

San Servolo island, where the conference was held

One of the residents of San Servolo island, which is difficult to reproach is that he is not “green”

Representatives of SSU made a presentation on “Green Business as the Mainstream of Sustainable Development” in the framework of the EU Jeanne Monnet project. The prospects of development of “green” economy and the third industrial revolution were discussed. This caused a lot of questions and the main of them: “Is it a reality?” The answer was: “It is!”

Prof. L.G. Melnyk with conference Coordinator Dr. Ender Demir

The conference (Doc. A.N. Derikolenko – in the left corner, behind the blonde, to the right of her)

View from the windows of the conference room. Amazing picture: the sea lapping right under the windows of the room, as if outside the ship

Assoc. Prof. A.N. Derikolenko – during the discussions

Prof. L.G.Melnyk speech

The bell tower in Piazza San Marco in Venice

Always festive streets of Venice

Piazza San Marco in Venice. Flooding has just subsided, but some people continue to walk the catwalk. (Incidentally, acqua alta will increase since Venice annually goes into water 4 mm, 2mm – due to the fact that the rising level of the world’s oceans and 2mm – due to the fact that piles, which hold Venice are going under ground)

Even on a rainy day the Venetian couple is happy

Venice – apart from the festive streets

This is the look of a crowded bus in Venice. Sometimes it seems that the wave is about to gush into the cabin

Due to the high prices in hotels of Venice Sumy representatives had to live in Padua. This allowed them to get acquainted with the ancient city of Italy (founded in 1132 BC). Here in 1222 a second Italy (following Bologna) University and the first – dissecting was opened. There was once put his unique experience and more than 25 years, Galileo taught and worked great Giotto. For the first time in the world a woman (Elena Lucrezia Kornado Piskoniya) received a university education. Here is one of the oldest botanical gardens in Europe (founded in 1545). Now there are growing about 6 thousand copies, including exotic, medicinal, poisonous and carnivorous plants. The oldest tree – St. Peter’s palm was planted in 1585

Although Padua greeted with rain…

Padua rain is not terrible, because the first floor in a large part of the city turned into the corridors (through preferential taxation for such buildings)

Most likely, this monument near the University of Padua a student (she) is pondering over the teacher’s question is immortalized

And this monument in a building of the university, probably captured the student grasps the truth that knowledge – it is light

Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua (by the way, the cathedral belongs not to Italy, but the Vatican)

Beautiful oval square in the center of Padua

Bicycles for hire on the streets of Padua. Annual season ticket – 25 euros, a month – 10 euro, week – 5 euros

Frozen history of Padua

Piano at the train station in Padua with the inscription «Play me»…

…And there are those of the passengers who are waiting for their trains offer great concerts

Sumy travelers could not but visit the capital of the Bologna process.

Here’s it – Bologna

Aspiration upward vertical Bologna! Maybe it is the symbol of the required standards of education? By the way these towers are falling for a few centuries

Tall, branching, and most importantly, a living tree among the fundamental artifacts of civilization – another symbol of Bologna. Let this be our education, and with it our whole life!