EU Practices of Entrepreneurship and Start-UP Organization: main Lessons for Ukraine |
Within the frame work of Jean Monnet program “Using best EU practices for sustainable economy forming in Ukraine” (UBEUP) 553 185-EPP-1-2014- 1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE) the study guide “EU Practices of Entrepreneurship and Start-UP Organization: main Lessons for Ukraine” was prepared.
The study guide examines the current structure of the country’s economy, the main factors of production, and the ways of their effective use. The main attention is paid to the study of factors of the internal and external environment of entrepreneurship, ways of efficient use of available reserves and resources. The study guide covers materials on best EU practices of entrepreneurship and start-up organization. It is discussed opportunities and challenges of Ukrainian SMEs development. It is analyzed current economic conditions of doing business in Ukraine.
The study guide is for bachelor students of economic specialties, and may also be useful for teachers and other specialists in the field of economics and entrepreneurship.
Мельник, Л. Г., Кубатко О.В. Європейський досвід підприємництва і організації стартапів в Україні [Текст] : навчальний посібник / Л. Г. Мельник, О. В. Кубатко. – Суми : Сумський державний університет, 2015. – 152 с.
The language is Ukrainian