EU Practices for Sustainable Economy Implementation in Ukraine |
Within the frame work of Jean Monnet program “Using best EU practices for sustainable economy forming in Ukraine” (UBEUP) 553 185-EPP-1-2014- 1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE) the study guide “EU Practices for Sustainable Economy Implementation in Ukraine” was prepared.
It analyzes the substantive basis of the concepts of “sustainable development and economy.” Directions for sustainable economy (SE) development are formulated. The comparative analysis of the characteristics of traditional (industrial) and SE are shown. The background for SE development in Ukraine is analyzed.
For students and teachers of economic specialties, post-graduates of higher education institutions, officials at various levels, as well as for those who interested in issues of social and economic integration of Ukraine into the EU.
Мельник, Л. Г. Опыт ЕС как основа для формирования в Украине сестейновой экономики. [Текст] : учебное пособие / Л. Г. Мельник. – Сумы : Сумський державний університет, 2014. – 256 с.
The language is Ukrainian