Visit of lecturers of the Department of Economics and Business Administration to the enterprises “Guala Closures Ukraine” and “Technology” |
March 22, 2017 the excursion was hold for teachers of the Department of Economics and Business Administration of Sumy State University at the enterprises “Guala Closures Ukraine” and “Technology”.
Communication with management and employees made it possible to determine the innovative vector of development of these enterprises. Export of products is carried out in more than 40 countries of the world on four continents, the production lines of packaging materials are expanding, and the standards of work are approaching European ones.
General Director of “Guala Closures Ukraine” Volodymyr Zayets shared with the teachers information about the main milestones of their development, as well as experience in attracting foreign capital to Ukrainian enterprises. During the excursion, it was noted that the philosophy of the company “Technology” is based on the quality of manufactured products, the use of economical and modern equipment. An important element in the organization of production is the availability of highly qualified personnel.
The result of this meeting was preliminary agreements on possible areas of cooperation in the sphere of transferring practical experience and knowledge to students studying on specialties “Economics” and “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity”.