Jean Monnet lectures for the students of Ostroh academy |
During the 20-22 of March the associated professors of economics and business administration department Oleksandr V.Kubatko and Bohdan L. Kovalyov have provided a series of lectures and trainings for the students of National University “Ostroh academy” within the Jean Monnet module “EU trade opportunities and challenges for Ukraine” (573581-EPP-1-2016-1-UAEPPJMO-MODULE). During the lectures Oleksandr Kubatko has discussed economic, social and historical preconditions of EU integration processes and provided information on main stages of EU economy development. As a separate part of lecturing material there were issues related to actual opportunities and challenges of EU-Ukraine trade relations. After the finishing lecturing Kubatko Oleksandr and Kovalyov Bohdan have held training related to promotion of Ukrainian export to foreign markets, including EU as the largest trade partner. It was provided an opportunity for students to analyze competitiveness of Ukrainian commodities, to choose EU markets and propose sales channels of Ukrainian goods promotion on EU markets. The lecturing, teaching practices exchanges and student mobility and other kinds of academic cooperation between Sumy State University and National University “Ostroh academy” are done within the signed cooperation agreement and within international academic agreement of Ukrainian Universities and Warsaw university. After the lecturing and trainings it was presented an open on-line course “The basics of European economy and EU trade policy” The active participants from students’ side have received participants’ certificates. It is needed to praise the excellent organization of lecturing and hospitability of Economics faculty dean Dr. of Economics, Prof. Kozak L.V. After successful implementation of Jean Monnet lecturing in Ostroh academy it is planned to deepen cooperation within two Universities in scientific and academic spheres. Detailed foto report on Ostroh lecturing is presented bellow Ostroh academy welcomes guests from Sumy Kuabtko Oleksandr during the lectures with students of Ostroh academy Team-work of students during training on trade |