Victory in Odessa!

Victory in Odessa!

Andriy Shiyan, a fourth-year student of SSU, Major in “Economics of Enterprise” supervised by Doctor of Economics, Professor Leonid Melnyk won the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in “Management”, specialization “Environmental Management”.
The scientific and practical conference took place on March 27-28, 2018 in Odessa State Ecological University. The first day was the defense of scientific works. In particular, 30 research works from all regions of Ukraine were presented. Our student, Andriy Shiyan, presented the research “Management of environmental transport activities in the light of the Third Industrial Revolution and Industry 4.0”. After defense, a training “Portrait of a Progressive Teacher” was organized for all participants of the conference.
The next day, the Head of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, Doctor of Economics, Professor Leonid Melnyk, presented the report “Phase transition in the light of III and IV industrial revolutions”. The report revealed main stages of transition to the Internet of Things and attracted the attention of all listeners.
The final stage of the conference was the summing up and rewarding the winners. The First Degree Diploma was awarded to Andriy Shiyan for his victory. Doctor of Economics, Professor Leonid Melnyk received many thanks from the Organizing Committee as the scientific supervisor.
After the conference the participants had an excursion around Odessa historical places.

Leonid Melnyk and Andriy Shiyan at the conference in Odessa State Ecological University

Defence of scientific work by Andriy Shiyan , fourth-year student of SSU, Major in “Economics of Enterprise”

Dr., Professor Leonid Melnyk’s report “Phase transition in the light of III and IV industrial revolutions”

Congratulations and awards presentation to Andriy Shiyan and Dr., Professor Leonid Melnyk

Excursion around the city of Odessa