On April 8-10, 2014 in Poltava National Yuri Kondratiuk Technical University the II stage have passed for All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on specialty “Economics of Enterprise”.
Students of specialty “Economics of Enterprise”of the Department of Economics and Business Administration Andriy Iskakov, Anna Panchenko and Olesia Janchenko competed among 105 students from 75 universities of Ukraine.
According to the results of the Olympiad the 4th year student Andrew Iskakov took the 1st place and received an additional award for the best theoretical preparation.
During the Olympiad fruitfully worked professional and competent jury, which allowed an objective assessment of the knowledge of all Olympiad participants based on the results of answering the tests and solving practical problems on the main aspects of the business.
To Poltava Olympiad participants arrived unaccompanied by teachers, because at that time Department of Economics and Business Administration passed the accreditation examination of the specialty “Economics of Enterprise”. Thus students have demonstrated not only high professional knowledge, but also the skills of self-organization and autonomy.
Congratulations to the students with the victory and wish them further success!