Social solidarity economy: values and principles of implementation for sustainable development of the region

In November-December 2022, associate professors of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration of Sumy State University: Yulia Chortok, Ph.D., associate professor, and Oleksandra Kubatko, Ph.D., associate professor, gave a series of online lectures on on the topic “Social solidarity economy: values and principles for implementation for the sustainable development of the region” for students of economics majors of Sumy State University.

The lectures were held within the framework of the European Commission grant of the Jean Monnet Module “Social Solidarity Economy: Implementation of EU Experience for Sustainable Development” (SSExpEU – 101047518 – GAP-101047518), head I. Sotnyk.

During the classes, the participants discussed the possibilities of priority implementation of socio-economic initiatives at the regional level. In addition, the prospects and threats of the social solidarity economy to increase the competitiveness of the regions were determined.