Social and solidarity economy: from the past to the future: lecture by Professor L. Melnyk

November 28, 2022, Leonid Melnyk, professor of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration (EPBA) of Sumy State University, gave an open lecture “Social and solidarity economy: from the past to the future” for students and teachers of the Sumy Mechanical Engineering College of Sumy State University. From the lecture, the listeners learned, in particular, what connects the socio-economic principles of the Khrestovozdvizhensky labor brotherhood founded by M.M. Neplyuyev in the 1880s with the goals and objectives of the Fifth Industrial Revolution (Industry 5.0), which humanity is experiencing today.

The lecture aroused lively interest and questions to the lecturer.

The lecture used the results of the Jean Monet EU project (module level), which is carried out at the EPBA department, namely:  “Social Solidarity Economy (SSE): implementation of the EU experience for sustainable development” (SSExpEU – 101047518 – GAP-101047518) (2022-2025), and headed by I. Sotnyk.