Publication of a scientific professional article by the project performers

In September 2023, executors of the grant of the Jean Monnet project module “Social Solidarity Economy (SSE): implementation of the EU experience for sustainable development” (SSExpEU – 101047518 – GAP-101047518, 2022-2025), Professors of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Professors Iryna Sotnyk and Leonid Melnyk published an article (in co-authorship) in the “B” category scientific journal “Entrepreneurship and Trade”. The paper is devoted to the mechanisms of social and solidarity financing in modern economic systems.

The abstract and content of the article can be found at the following link:

Sotnyk, I., Turchenko, A., Melnyk, L., Nikulina, M. Mechanisms of social and solidarity financing in the modern economy. Entrepreneurship and Trade. 2023. No. 37. P. 86-91.