Professor Iryna Sotnyk Participates in the International Scientific Conference in France

Iryna Sotnyk, Professor of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, took part in the international scholars conference “The plight of women and minorities  under authoritarian regimes”, which was held online and in-person on April 17, 2023, at the University Paris 8, Paris, France. The New University in Exile Consortium, which brings together institutions of higher education providing shelter to scholars fleeing war or persecution, initiated the conference. During the event, the impact of the authoritarian regimes causing wars, migration of population and changes in everyday life and work on the activities of scientists in the countries, exposed to that impact, was discussed, namely, in Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria and others. The particular attention was paid to the rights of women and minorities, as well as solidarity and social security issues. Iryna Sotnyk participated in the discussion and presented her view on the impact of the war on scientific activities in Ukraine and the development of solidarity and social economy. She shared her research results obtained under performing the Jean Monnet Module project “Social solidarity economy: implementation of EU experience for sustainable development” (SSExpEU – 101047518 – GAP-101047518) (2022-2025) with colleagues from other countries and discussed issues related to supporting the scientific community during crisis situations.