“Philosophic Tales about Development” in thirty of the best works of the rating “Book of the Year 2015”

“Philosophic Tales about Development” in thirty of the best works of the rating “Book of the Year 2015”

March 1, 2016 at the press conference in Ukrinform the results of the XVII Ukrainian rating «Book of the Year 2015″ were announced. 1022 books were evaluated in seven nominations as part of rating research.

Among the thirty best non-fiction books was “Philosophic Tales about Development (complex things in simple way)” by Head of the Department of Economics and Business Administration, Director of the Institute for Development Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor L.G. Melnyk. This work was included in the final list of nominees of «Book of the Year 2015″ rating.

Earlier, the book “Philosophic Tales about Development (complex things in simple way)” – received a special award – the certificate from the State Fund for Fundamental Research of Ukraine (SFFR) in the competition of scientific and popular publications, held jointly by State Fund for Fundamental Research, Ministry of Education and Science and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

In a popular form fairy tales, parables, anecdotes and poems illustrate basic laws of systems development. In particular, deep sense of key issues is revealed: origins and mechanisms of systems formation, logics and material-information basis of development processes, the role of a man in evolution phenomenon, and the essence of such phenomenon as sustainable development.

The book is available here: http://econ.fem.sumdu.edu.ua/ru/news/473-filosofskaz