Participation in the round table “Vernadsky V. – Ways of Scientific Heritage”

Participation in the round table “Vernadsky V. – Ways of Scientific Heritage”

19.02.2013, the members of Economics and Business Administration Department, Prof. L. Melnyk, Associate Professor Chigrin O. and Associate Professor Shkarupa O. took an active part in the round table “Vernadsky V. – Ways of Scientific Heritage” that was dedicated to the 150 – anniversary of the scientist.

The event was organized by the Subscription Department of N.K. Krupskaya Sumy Oblast Scientific Library, whose staff (Bondarenko L.S. and Levenets O.A.) prepared a presentation of Vernadsky V. life and work, who was a naturalist, philosopher, founder and the first president of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Members of Economics and Business Administration Department issued a report on the development of modern noospheregenesis in the context of Vernadsky V. scientific research. In particular, they talked about the feasibility of changing of nature concept in the modern world. Deep analysis of the environmental and economic situation in Ukraine convinces the need of gradual substitution of “heavy” industries (metallurgy, chemical industry, fuel energy), focused on the use of non-renewable natural resources sectors, which are able to use reproductive potential of renewable natural resources (organic agriculture, bio-energy, information economy, recreational area, tourism and creative economy). The development of these sectors will help drastically reduce energy and resource-national product.

Today, energy production in Ukraine is twice higher global average and is 3-4 times higher than the leaders. Domestic resources provide half of what Ukraine needs in oil and a third of what Ukraine needs in gas. Simple calculations show that reducing energy consumption of domestic products to the average level would make it possible to completely abandon oil imports and half needs natural gas imports. But this is only the beginning. Ukraine has enormous potential for energy production from renewable resources, bioenergy (biogas, bioethanol, biodiesel) and wind energy. In view of this, today issued throwback projects related to the activation of non-renewable resources, including shale gas and “thrombosis” small river dams for so-called small hydropower plants.

Noosphere – created human collective planet intelligence – ultimately must understand the idea of the great scientist V. Vernadsky that use products of living of the Earth can not destroy, and multiplying the capacity of its reproductive potential. Today Ukraine has all chances to become a macroeconomic Ecopolis that lives and feeds on the benefits of nature, nourishing natural forces for its reproductive potential.

Statements and questions provoked a lively discussion among the participants that showed involvement of youth into current challenges. The teacher of Sumy State Pedagogical University of A. Makarenko G. Prikhodko also took an active part in the discussion of all issues.

The meeting was attended by the fans of the famous Ukrainian scientist, university students, pupils of school № 10, and media representatives.