Open on-line materials of Jean Monnet Module on EU trade

Open on-line materials of Jean Monnet Module on EU trade

During the first two years of Jean Monnet Module “EU trade opportunities and challenges for Ukraine” (573581-EPP-1-2016-1-UAEPPJMO-MODULE), which is run at economics, entrepreneurship and business administration department of Sumy State University, it was delivered a series of lectures, seminars and workshops dedicated to the positive and negative sides of free trade with EU.
Also, within the first year of project realization, it was developed online course “The basics of European economy and EU trade policy”. Within that course such EU trade-related topics are discussed as Concept of European integration; The historical development of EU integration; Economic integration steps; The role EU economy in the modern world; EU trade policy; The system of trade preferences; Sectoral problems of EU trade.
During the second and third year of project realization, there were developed two other EU trade-related online courses. The first one is “EU trade and Ukraine” covers such topics as Economic bases of trade; The European Trade Policy System; EU-Ukraine Trade Cooperation; Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA); The Content of DCFTA Between EU and Ukraine; DCFTA Implementation in Ukraine;
The third course is devoted to the “EU Trade Policy: Experience from the Visegrad States” covers such topics as the Visegrad countries as an economic union; Visegrad Economic and Political Integration with EU; Visegrad Economic and Political Integration with EU; Visegrad countries trade within EU after the EU accession; Structural trade changes in V4.
All three courses are developed to promote wider dissemination of projects results and are open to general society.