Odessa digest

Odessa digest

Head of the Department of Economics and Business Administration Dr., Professor L.G. Melnyk took part in the International Conference “Sustainable development and food security”, organized by Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies and dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the Academy.

Opening of the Conference by Academy’s Rector Prof. B.V. Yegorov

Invited by the Organizing Committee, L.G. Melnyk presented a report “Organizational and economic prerequisites to ensure food security through Eсopolis approach” at the plenary session, passing a welcome greeting on the anniversary of the Academy from Sumy State University (SSU) Rector.

Speech by Prof. Melnyk…

…aroused live interest of the audience

The speech caused such a keen interest. Rector of the Academy Prof. Boris Yegorov, who was listening carefully and who had already submitted his report on the opening of the conference, could not resist but speaking again. He developed a series of theses from the L.G. Melnyk’s paper. He also debated with the speaker on the issue of “soft” and “hard” systems of environmental management

Rector of the Academy ​​repeatedly spoke on L.G. Melnyk report

Live debate between Rector of the Academy and L.G. Melnyk

Author’s monograph “Theory of self-organization of economic systems” presented by L.G. Melnyk to Rector of the Academy caused much interest. With great interest the audience listened to a brief message about a unique historical phenomenon – Neplyuevskoe Brotherhood, that for nearly half a century demonstrated the amazing social and economic progress

L.G. Melnyk gave the welcome greetings from Sumy State University Rector Prof. A.V. Vasilyev to Academy’s Rector and presented his own monograph

The reports of representatives of Germany, Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine were perceived with no less interest. The conference was held under the chairmanship of the Director of the Institute of Economics and Management within the Academy, Head of the Department of Industrial Economics, Dr. Prof., Pavlov A.I., which, like L.G. Melnyk, is still a practicing basketball player.

The chairman of the conference Dr., Prof. A.I. Pavlov

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Using the conference brake, L.G. Melnyk met with his colleagues at the Odessa State Environmental University and due to invitation of its Rector, Prof. S. Stepanenko gave a lecture to students and faculty members of the university on the economic problems of sustainable development and the prospects of solving the problems of the World Summit of Rio +20.

L.G. Melnyk delivered a lecture at Odessa State Environmental University

Answering the questions

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Inquiring eye can see in Odessa amazing signs that residents are not only theoretically try to comprehend the wisdom of environmental problems solution, but also in practice implement healthier life.

Despite not a sunny weather and a refreshing water temperature (14-150C), some courageous Odessa residents start their day with a sea bathing, taking them directly to the sea waves.

Courageous Odessa residents continued sea bathing in the morning

Public organization “Habitat” does not stand apart from the environmental problems. Traces of that L.G. Melnyk found on the walls of dressing rooms, bored alone on a deserted beach in the French Boulevard.

A leaflet on the wall of a dressing room is strikingly convincing. On the background of the carved in stone Brussels Boy showed off a poem that combined a poetic gift of some indifferent to hygiene Odessa guy with his natural sense of humor

“For THAT a Fairy turned a stupid

Boy to stone
So, it is better not to risk –
Hold on to the toilet!”

Near another leaflet of the same public organization (“Habitat”) is glued

“Is it a nice sea vacation?

Did you pushed trash in the trash bin?”

Let the poetic form of this wall art still retains considerable reserve for improvement, its civic orientation and ecological content does not cause the slightest objection. They go back to those masterpieces that L.G. Melnyk saw in Odessa trams in the 1970s:

“May you go so, as you took the ticket!”

“Do not lean out of the window, otherwise you will have a look!…”
“Well, lean out one, lean out two .. and then what will you lean out next time?

A three-day meeting with a SSU graduate, economist, former KVN participant Alexey Goncharenko, recently living in Odessa was a reward for their hard work. He showed a new face of the city – Zhvanetsky Boulevard. The Boulevard as if continues the Primorsky Boulevard known for all Odessa inhabitants as “Teschin” (“Mother’s in Law”) pedestrian Bridge.

The entrance to Zhvanetsky Boulevard

The Boulevard Identity is well-suited works character of the great writer named after him. Houses on the Boulevard occupy only one side of it. On the other side there is a Seaside Park overlooking the sea from a height of the Boulevard.

On the Boulevard flaunt two monuments. Each of them deserves special attention, as they focused (each in its own way) experience and humor of many Odessa generations. Boulevard remains wonderfully mystical connection with its old names. Once it was called the “Komsomol” and then either “Art”, or “Arts.” The monument is dedicated to the legendary history of oranges, when adventurous Odessa inhabitants have these overseas fruit to appease uncompromising Emperor Paul I. After such a wonderful gift, he trembled and again granted the town tax benefits, cancelled by him once. Thus, the city was saved from ravage. In its beauty and style the monument is certainly in harmony with one of the former names of the Boulevard, link it to art.

Alexey Goncharenko and L.G. Melnyk in front of Oranges’ monument

Another monument is extremely brief. This is a bronze plaque, which commemorated Zhvanetsky aphorism: “If you ​​could not prevent, then lead it.” This monument links the Boulevard with its former Young Communist League slogan, as it is viewed continuity with Komsomol favorite motto of many generations: “If you can not prevent drunkenness, you must lead it!”

Aphorism of the great classic

However, on the Boulevard there is a third monument. It is the very bronze plaque with its name …