Lectures within the Jean Monet Module on the topic “Social solidarity economy: EU experience implementation for the sustainability development»

Lectures within the Jean Monet Module on the topic “Social solidarity economy: EU experience implementation for the sustainability development”

In May 2023, PHD in Economics, Assoc. Prof., of economics , entrepreneurship and business administration department Oleksandra Kubatko has held lectures with students of the “Economics and Business” and “Economic Cybernetics” majors as part of classes in the discipline “Enterprise Economics II”.

During the classes, the issues of socio-economic development of labor potential and involvement of the European experience of partner countries were discussed. Students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the peculiarities of labor resources management, the experience of the EU in the field of social entrepreneurship development.

During the classes the materials of the project Jean Monet module were used on “Social solidarity economy: implementation of EU experience for sustainable development” (SSExpEU – 101047518 – GAP -101047518) (2022-2025), which is implemented at the EPBA department.