In December 2017, Associate Professor of Economics and Business Administration Department Oleksandr V. Kubatko has provided a series of lectures on course «EU trade and Ukraine» for the students of «International economic relations» at Academic and Scientific institute of Business technologies “Ukrainian academy of banking” at Sumy State University. All lecturing were done within the Jean Monnet module “EU trade opportunities and challenges for Ukraine” (573581-EPP-1-2016-1-UAEPPJMO-MODULE).
The aim of the course is to provide students with advanced topics in European trade and to explore policy issues affecting trade between European Union and Ukraine. Students were provided with information to understand the general principles of common trade and industry policies in EU.
Much of attention was paid to information about the development of European trade agreements with special emphasis to Ukraine. The main questions covered within the course were: Economic bases of trade; The European trade policy system; EU-Ukraine trade cooperation; The content of DCFTA between EU and Ukraine; DCFTA implementation in Ukraine
It is needed to praise the excellent organization of lecturing and hospitability of International Economics department, special thanks to doctor of economics, prof. Petrushenko Y.M. and Associate Professor Scherbyna T.V.