International Virtual Mobility Program in Cooperation with Riga Technical University: “Transition to Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Business”

In March 2024, a joint program of virtual academic international mobility between Sumy State University (Ukraine) and Riga Technical University (Latvia) on the topic “Transition to a Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Business” was successfully launched.

The program is attended by undergraduate, master’s, and postgraduate students from the educational programs 076 “Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Stock Exchange Activity,” 076 “Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Logistics,” 051 “Economics,” as well as teachers from the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship, and Business Administration of Sumy State University. Additionally, students from the Faculty of Engineering Economics of Riga Technical University (RTU) are participating under the leadership of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Tetjana Tambovceva.

The program aims to acquire the necessary competencies and further develop project concepts that will contribute to the transition to a circular economy, considering the challenges and opportunities for sustainable business.

The program covers the main aspects of the circular economy and the study of social and environmental perspectives and challenges of its implementation, business opportunities, circular design strategies, and more. Professors Tetjana Tambovceva (RTU) and Leonid Melnyk (SumDU) and associate professors Bohdan Kovalov and Inna Koblianska have provided the lectures.

All course modules are conducted online in English using innovative educational formats, following the education criteria for sustainable development. The program includes online lectures, practical sessions, and independent work by the participants.

The participants are currently working on their essays on the international academic mobility program. On June 22, the research results will be reviewed and assessed.