From November 7 till November 11 2017 the Head of the Department of Economics and Business Administration, Director of the Institute for Development Economics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Prof. Leonid Melnyk took part in the World Science Forum, which was held in near Amman (Jordan) at the Dead Sea under the patronage of the King and Queen of the country. More than 1000 people, representing more than 150 scientific organizations from all continents of the Earth, took part in the Forum.
The Forum discussed current challenges facing the world scientists today, and new realities of life: the development of digital civilization; responsibility of science in preventing threats of the 3rd and 4th industrial revolutions; science and art possibilities for the formation of new teaching methods; the role of science in achievement sustainable development goals; directions and problems of artificial intelligence formation; overcoming generation “gap” in socio-economic systems’ transformation, etc.
The professor from Sumy took part in discussions at several round tables of the Forum’s scientific sections.
Under the leadership of the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the International Council for Science (ICSU), and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the declaration of the 8th World Science Forum, held from 7-10 November 2017 at the Dead Sea, Jordan was adopted. It states the necessity of the international cooperation and the leading role of science for sustainable development.
At the end of the Forum its organizing committee organized a trip to Petra natural and cultural reserve.