FEM’s PhD students and students took part in a business meeting with the owner of MindK company Oleg Nesterov

FEM’s PhD students and students took part in a business meeting with the owner of MindK company Oleg Nesterov

PhD Students and students of the educational programs “Economics and Business”, “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Stock Exchanges” and “Business Administration” took part in a business meeting with Oleg Nesterov, owner of MindK.com, which develops complex web and mobile applications.
Oleg told the story of his journey from freelancer to director, about IT outlook for 2-3 years, and what place graduates of economic specialties occupy. The event took place as part of the preparation for the Winter Business School of Sumy State University “Youth&Business” (http://econ.fem.sumdu.edu.ua/uk/business-school).