Excursion to a century-old company – LLC “Gorobyna”

Excursion to a century-old company – LLC “Gorobyna”

Teachers and graduate students of Chair of Economics and business administration at Sumy State University made ​​an excursion to one of the Sumy enterprises – LLC “Gorobyna”.

The company is one of the few liquors Ukrainian enterprises with more than a century of history and the only producer of liqueur and vodka products in the Sumy region. The founder of the modern enterprise can be considered as Grynenko Prokofy Semenovich, who received July 12, 1897 patent for the production of vodka. Launched in January 2001, LLC “Gorobyna” continued secular traditions of Sumy masters.

High-tech equipment, the experience, accumulated over the years traditions, stable product quality enabled to win the trust of not only the city residents. Special judges of enterprise can be considered as residents of the western regions of Ukraine, as well as citizens of the USA, Poland and other countries. In particular, infusion “Spirit of Kings” was first developed by the American order.

During an excursion, participants learned about the company’s infrastructure, visited manufacturing shops, including bottling beverages. Great interest was arised by visiting a separate workshop for the production of kvass, which taste qualities were appreciated by all participants of the excursion. Participants were very impressed visiting warehouse with fragrant grasses, which are used as natural raw materials for the manufacture of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (kvass, juice).

The chief technologist of the company Kozlovskaja Alla Petrovna said that the company does not use artificial flavorings and colorings for the manufacture of beverages. Participants also had the opportunity to join personally the professional tasting expertise.

The company continues holding excursions for interested persons who wants to get to know more about the technologies of beverages manufacture, which range continues to expand!