Third Degree Diploma in Competition of Scientific Works on Tourism

Third Degree Diploma in Competition of Scientific Works on Tourism

March 21, 2014 in Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics was held the final scientific-practical conference on the second round of the Ukrainian contest of student’s scientific works on natural, technical and humanitarian Sciences in “Tourism” in the 2013/ 14 academic year.

As part of the Ukrainian Student Scientific Conference “Actual problems of the hotel and restaurant and tourism business” the student of the speciality “Economics of Enterprise” of FEM Portіankа Alina (4th year, gr. E-01) was awarded by Diploma of the third degree.

The Research Topic: “Theoretical and organizational and economic approaches to the development of green tourism in Sumy oblast (on example, the Labour Community of M. Neplyuev”.

Supervisors: D.E.S., prof. L. Melnyk, C.E.S., B. Kovalyov.

We thank the Organizing Committee for the high level of the event and special thanks to Ph.D., the asociated professor of hotel and restaurant and tourism Alla Ohrimenko.

Faculty of Economics and Management and the Department of Economics greets their student and her supervisors with the high performance, wishes inspiration and success in research activities!