The intensive course on “European economy and EU trade policy” for Ukrainian and Ghanaian students in Kharkov

The intensive course on “European economy and EU trade policy” for Ukrainian and Ghanaian students in Kharkov

During the May 2018, Oleksandr Kubatko has provided an intensive course on “European economy and EU trade policy” for Ukrainian and Ghanaian students at Kharkov national economic University named after S. Kuznets. All lectures were given within the Jean Monnet module “EU trade opportunities and challenges for Ukraine” (573581-EPP-1-2016-1-UAEPPJMO-MODULE).
Within the course the students got information about the structure of European economy and have explored specific policy issues which affect a trade with partner countries. In addition, students got basic knowledge on European Integration process.
Students have mastered the basic facts about development of European structures, institutions and their impact on economic activity. They also got information on fundamental rules, norms and regulations within European common/internal market.
The specific attention was devoted to the following topics: Conceptualizing European integration; The historical development of EU integration; Economic integration steps; The role EU economy in the modern world; EU trade policy.
It is needed to praise the excellent organization of lecturing and hospitability of Management and Business department, special thanks to the head of department doctor of economics, prof. Lepeyko Tetyana.