Sustainable management for phase transition: lecture by Professor Leonid Melnyk in Odessa І.І. Mechnikov National University

Sustainable management for phase transition: lecture by Professor Leonid Melnyk in Odessa І.І. Mechnikov National University

Professor Leonid Melnyk as a member of the Jury Board for the student work competition presented an open lecture “Phase transition in the light of III and IV industrial revolutions” in Odessa І.І. Mechnikov National University. The lecture was of great interest and the lecturer answered a lot of questions.

Lecture by Professor Leonid Melnyk

Professor Leonid Melnyk’s lecture review.

Dear Leonid Gryhorovych!

Today we discussed your lecture in class – students really liked it!

They give their regards to you!

Your creative energy, enthusiasm, knowledge, experience and innovation are captivating and inspiring!

Students who were not able to attend your lecture were upset.

But we still hope that you will come back to our seaside building for much more communication.

With deep respect and much gratitude!

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director for SPF “AZ Consulting”

Chaikovska M.P.