Successful completion of the joint international virtual mobility program with the Riga Technical University “Transitioning to a Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Business”

On June 25, the joint international virtual mobility program “Transition to a Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Business” between Sumy State University (Ukraine) and Riga Technical University (Latvia) was completed.

The program began on March 25, 2024. It included a series of online lectures and classes in English, which covered the main aspects of the circular economy, social and environmental prospects and challenges for its implementation, business opportunities, circular design strategies, etc. The program was attended by students of Sumy State University (bachelor, master, and postgraduate students of educational programs 076 “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities”, 076 “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Logistics”, 051 “Economics”), students of Riga Technical University (Faculty of Engineering Economics, under the supervision of Doctor of Economics, Professor Tatjana Tambovceva), as well as teachers.

After completing the cycle of classes, students worked with teachers on their projects in the field of circular economy. Based on the project review results, the mobility program participants were awarded with certificates.