On February 3, 2025, the head of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, Oleksandra Karintseva, presented a report on the department’s activities for 2024. The department showed a significant increase in the number of full-time students by 32.2%. Admission based on complete general secondary education increased by 37.5%. For the first time, there was a recruitment for the English-language master’s degree in the educational program “Economics and Business Innovations”. The department actively cooperated with foreign partners, in particular, in 2024, it implemented 3 and won 1 Jean Monnet grant. The department’s teachers completed 31 international internships. In 2024, the Business School “Youth and Business” was held offline. The number of publications in the SCOPUS and WoS databases increased significantly, and the Hirsch index increased for 14 teachers. The department also actively worked on popularising education through the media space.
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