Publication of an article by the project performers in the international scientific journal

In September 2024, performers of the grant of the Jean Monnet project module “Social Solidarity Economy (SSE): implementation of the EU experience for sustainable development” (SSExpEU – 101047518 – GAP-101047518, 2022-2025), professors of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Professor Iryna Sotnyk, PhD., Associate Professor Yuliia Chortok, and Associate Professor Oleksandra V. Kubatko published an article (in co-authorship) in the journal “Problems and Perspectives in Management” indexed in Scopus database.

The content of the article can be found at the following link:

Iryna Sotnyk, Oleksandra Kubatko, Yulija Chortok, Andriana Kostenko, Olena Kupenko, Oleksandra Karintseva and Svitlana Tarasenko (2024). Social solidarity economy during the war: The sources of individual and community resilience. Problems and Perspectives in Management22(3), 542-555. doi:10.21511/ppm.22(3).2024.41