Ph.D. Dissertation Defence by Pimonenko Tetyana Volodymyrivna

Ph.D. Dissertation Defence by Pimonenko Tetyana Volodymyrivna

On December 25, 2012 at a meeting of the specialised scientific council D 55.051.01 there was successful defence of Ph.D. dissertation by Pimonenko Tetyana Volodymyrivna on “Organizational and Economic Foundations of Environmental Audit In the Corporate Sector of Economy”(specialty 08.00.06 – Economics of Nature Use and Environmental Protection).

Supervisor: associate professor of the Department of Economics and Business Administration of Sumy State University, C.E.S., assoc. prof. Chygryn Olena Yuriivna.

Members of the specialised scientific council mentioned the high level of presented dissertation research and there was a positive decision on awarding with the scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences, specialty 08.00.06 – Economics of Nature Use and Environmental Protection.

Congratulations to the applicant on this important event and our wishes of further success in scientific work!