Jean Monnet Chairs and Erasmus days’ event in Sumy
Jean Monnet Chairs and Erasmus days’ event in Sumy During the Erasmus days on October 15-17, 2020, there were organized discussions and debating activities at
Jean Monnet Chairs and Erasmus days’ event in Sumy During the Erasmus days on October 15-17, 2020, there were organized discussions and debating activities at
The week of education for civil society “The art of living together” One hundred and forty-three events in seven countries were announced in the Citizenship
On-line Meeting with Business Analyst of the International Company Kaustik Europe B.V. (Netherlands) 16.10.2020 business analyst at Kaustik Europe B.V., Maksym Kazantsev (Rotterdam Area, Netherlands)
A step towards a creative society Industry 4.0, 5.0 and their echoes in the history of the Neplyuyev’s Brotherhood 19.10.2020 Doctor of Economics, Leonid Melnyk,
Інтерв’ю зі студенткою Єлізаветою Солодовою Продовжуємо знайомити тебе з нашими талановитими студентами. Сьогодні до нас завітала чарівна гостя, тож давайте знайомитися. ⠀ Солодова Ліза ⠀
Economist students attended an online business meeting on cryptocurrency trading On October 21, 2020, within the discipline “Information Economics” (teacher – Associate Professor Bohdan Kovalov),
Entrepreneur students attended an online business meeting on the organization of a food court On October 15, 2020, as part of the discipline “Hotel and
Jean Monnet lectures for the school pupils of city Sumy In September-October 2020, a number of online lectures on Economic policies of European Union were
Online business meeting on the effective investment activity and on the development for obtaining your first million strategies On October 24th, 2020, online business meeting
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