“Modern higher education”

“Modern higher education”

As part of career guidance activities, teachers of the Department of Economics and Business Administration Olena Yu. Chygryn and Tetyana V. Pimonenko together with teachers of B. Strel’chenko Sumy Specialized School of I-III levels №1 implemented multiple-stage joint project in English on “modern higher education”.

Thus, in December 2015, teachers of the department visited the school, where students of 9-A class presented their school and shared their thoughts on the future of higher education. In turn, the FEM teachers talked about learning peculiarities at SSU and its modern image.

The second stage took place on February 12, 2016, with a discussion on “Higher education: how do we see it”. Students learned about the basic knowledge and skills that they need to get from modern university education. They imagined themselves as students and told about their expectations and fears of university studies. Students visited Sumy State University library, where were fully convinced that SSU is a modern university that uses a wide range of innovative teaching methods.

The third project stage includes business-game in June 2016 at school № 1.

It should be noted that the feature of this project is that it is being held in English.