Meeting of Business Representatives with Students of Master’s Program in “Business Administration” |
At the Department of Economics and Business Administration faculty experts – representatives of enterprises and businesses – are actively involved into the learning process. In particular, on October 9-10, master classes for students of master’s program in “Business Administration” gave a director of “Libra” audit company (Sumy) Nina Myckolaivna Melnyk, a private entrepreneur with years of experience Ph.D. Valeriy Oleksandrovych Melnyk, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the “Kusum Pharm” pharmaceutical plant (Sumy) Yuri Oleksandrovych Mazin. N.M. Melnyk introduced students to various aspects of private audit company activity: how to conduct an audit of the correctness of calculation and payment of taxes, how to implement tax planning, how to protect taxpayers’ interests in the courts. Also N.M. Melnyk shared with the students her experiences of the financial, managerial, financial statements composition, the experience of forming the effective structure of departments, of the selection of key professionals and of personnel management. V.O. Melnyk spoke about the effective organization of work from the perspective of his own business experience. During the lecture students learned the basics of strategy and business tactics forming. The businessman also shared various subtleties in c.v. preparation and the secrets of a successful employment interview. Yu.O. Mazin spent training for students in the form of interactive game. During the game students in the discussion examined the difference between private business and the business in a corporate or public sector. Yu.O. Mazin also described to the students the stages of building your own successful career. All professors-practitioners responded to a lot of questions this time. Masters students during lectures gained invaluable knowledge from professionals-practitioners and expressed the wish to continue attending such events in future. |