Jean Monnet lectures on EU trade

Jean Monnet lectures on EU trade

During the March – June 2018 Associate Professor of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration Department Oleksandr V. Kubatko has provided a series of lectures on courses «EU trade and Ukraine» and «European Trade Policy: Experience from the Visegrad Countries» for the students of «International economic relations» at Academic and Scientific institute (ASI) of Business technologies “Ukrainian academy of banking” and for students of “Economics” ASI FEM at Sumy State University. All lecturing were provided within the Jean Monnet module “EU trade opportunities and challenges for Ukraine” (573581-EPP-1-2016-1-UAEPPJMO-MODULE).

The aim of «EU trade and Ukraine» course was to provide students with advanced topics in European trade and to explore policy issues affecting trade between European Union and Ukraine.

The aim of the «EU trade and Ukraine» and «European Trade Policy: Experience from the Visegrad Countries» course was to provide students with advanced topics relating to the experience of the Visegrad countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) in their economic integration with the EU. Within this module the students were given comparable information on economic development of Visegrad countries during their integration to EU and relevant information on Ukraine. The direct and indirect effects of DCFTA implementation in the Visegrad countries were discussed. Special attention was paid to the experience of EU trade policy in Visegrad as an example for Ukraine.