Intensive course on EU trade for the students of machinebuiding college of SSU |
The associated professor Oleksandr Kubatko has started a series of lectures and trainings for the students of machine building college within the Jean Monnet module “EU trade opportunities and challenges for Ukraine” (573581-EPP-1-2016-1-UAEPPJMO-MODULE) on March-April 2017.
Kubatko Oleksandr has discussed a relative issues of Ukrainian commodities promotion on EU market, has analyzed perspectives and obstacles of national economy development within the signed agreement on Deep and comprehensive free trade area between EU and Ukraine.
It was provided an opportunity for the students to discuss and choose the most competitive and most vulnerable sectors of Ukrainian economy relating to the trade with EU.
During the breaks students have mastered on-line trainings on development of economic cooperation within the EU countries.
There is a special thanks for Skorohodova L.I. for the good organization of lectures for the students of machine building college.