Frontier News

Frontier News

Оn Saturday, May 3 the Head of the Department of Economics and Business Administration at Sumy State University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, L. Melnyk and Associate Professor of the same Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences A. Derykolenko visited Sumy Border Detachment “Velyka Pysarivka” of State Border Service of Ukraine, where their colleague Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences and now Border Service Lieutenant A. Matsenko is serving.

That was their second visit to frontier-guards. As an old friends they also met other mobilized SSU graduates: senior lieutenant V. Lytvyn (who was studiing at TeSET faculty), junior lieutenant V. Melnyk (ElIT) and junior lieutenant O. Yavtushenko (ElIT).

Also TeSET master student O. Kobushko was there for his military service. Together with mentioned soldiers were the graduates of other Sumy universities: sergeant B. Voznyi (SNAU), junior lieutenant A. Leshchenko (UABS NBU).

At the meeting with soldiers

At the meeting the teachers of the Department told the soldiers about the socio-economic situation and the perspectives for economic development of Ukraine. Then they remembered their own service in the Soviet Army, told army stories and anecdotes. Military tent, which houses the class, explode with laughter not once.

God bless guys’ hard service ONLY with such “explosions”!