Doctor of Economics, Prof. Leonid Melnyk’s scientific trip to New Zealand |
December 2017 – January 2018 Head of the Department of Economics and Business Administration at Sumy State University, Director of the Research Institute for Development Economics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (as part of SSU) Dr., Professor Leonid Melnyk, visited Massey Business School, Auckland, New Zealand within the framework of scientific and educational exchange programme. He also participated in the scientific seminar “Economic and management issues in transition to sustainable development”.
During the scientific visit Prof. Leonid Melnyk finished the monograph “Birth of the Sustainable Economy: EU experience and practice of the Ukraine in the light of the Industries 3.0 and 4.0” and the book “Green Economy: EU Experience and Ukraine’s Practice in the Light of the III and IV Industrial Revolutions”.
The first readers have already acquainted with the monograph, published in the publishing house “University Book”.
Here what one of its reviewers, Doctor of Economics, Prof. Ihor Bystryakov thinks:
«You are about to read an amazing book. How could anybody stay indifferent to the fact that we live in the epicentre of technological explosion? This is not an exaggeration. The world around us is changing with an astonishing speed. It is unbelievable that many of the consumer indicators are not just drastically increasing but increasing exponentially: for example, a number of electric cars, robots, 3d printers, solar farms, smart factories and smart cities. Not many of us take time to think that just in a couple of decades we will live in a completely different world, have different routine, eat different meals, travel by other transport, speak a different language (even if officially the name of the language remain unchanged). The reason for this socioeconomic hurricane is Third and Forth Industrial Revolutions, happening almost simultaneously.
Energy obtained straight from the air, autopilot drivers, household robots, vertical balcony gardens, within days «printed» houses and cars, packages sent via internet, trains reaching a speed of sound, factories managed by the artificial intelligence, global memory system turning in front of our eyes into terrestrial mind. Aren’t those inventions of the Scifi authors? But this is not the case! The author convincingly proves this, visualizing the imminent future. The visualization consists of dozens of small details and episodes carefully obtained from the «Mont Blanc» of publications. The reference list is very impressive. It consists of over 620 sources.
This book could have been titled «Entering future». Having visualized the imminent future, the author invites us to have a sneak peek…, without forcing any options. Let us all see it for ourselves…»
Prof. Leonid Melnyk had round-table discussions with the teachers and graduate students on socio-economic problems associated with the progress of the 3rd and 4th industrial revolutions, in particular, the formation of social and solidary economies.
Prof. Leonid Melnyk also collected materials for the preparation of a scientific article “Economics of Systems’ Phase Transition”.
Prof. Leonid Melnyk at the office table
Massey University
The Golden Symbol of the University is the “Tight Wing of University Education”
Round-table with scientists from different countries
With Dr. Alexander Molchanov – Professor at Massey Business School
With Dr. Alexandra Hess – Senior Lecturer at the University