Cherkasky Digest

Cherkasky Digest

In the period from 18 to 20 May the Head of Department of Economics and Business Administration of SSU, Director of the Institute for Development Economics of MES and NAS of Ukraine, Prof. L.G. Melnyk within the framework of scientific and academic exchange, visited the Department of Economics and Management of Cherkassy Institute of Banking. He held a meeting with the teachers of the Department.

Meeting the Head of the Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor R.F. Pustoviyt Prof. Melnyk discussed prospects of joint research activities and study guides. At the request of the Department Prof. L.G. Melnyk delivered a lecture in the framework of the EU Jean Monnet programme “Using best EU practices for sustainable economy forming in Ukraine”

Prof. L.G. Melnyk’s lecture

Prof., Dr. R.F. Pustoviyt

In the library of the Institute it was a pleasure to learn that today the youth is experiencing a long-forgotten “boom” of reading fiction (!)

Cherkasy citizens have a great sense of humor. Vodokanal Plumber Monument An immured in the wall chair in a Cherkasy cafe. Maybe this is the “The Twelfth Chair”?

Having the opportunity Prof. L.G. Melnyk visited the historical places of Cherkasy region.

One of the oldest plants of Ukraine a1100-year-old oak tree in Kholodny Yar

Kholodny Yar republic museum

This is the Kholodny Yar where many months Ukrainians kept struggling

The Trinity Church in Subotyn where Bohdan Khmelnytsky’s life ended Bohdan Khmelnitsky Tomb in the Trinity Church

Surprise for Prof. Melnyk. It feels as if his arrival was prepared The Oak without a single knot at the height of 24 m

Bohdan Mountain in Chygyryn (B. Khmelnitsky Monument) Bohdan Mountain (Doroshenko Bastion)

The geographical center of Ukraine (Outskirts of Shpola town in Cherkasy Region)