Business meeting on Internet entrepreneurship was held on department at the first time |
In February 11, 2017 a business meeting devoted to the Internet business was held by the organizers initiative of Sumy State University Business School «Youth&Business» in the Congress Center of Sumy State University. The Speakers who shared their own experience with the meeting participants were: Samir Hrytskiv (owner and Ruslan Pohytun (founder of the Academy of YouTube). The event brought together 35 participants, including pupils of Sumy schools, students and graduates. During the first report listeners learned about the features of internet trading, the mechanism for creating an online store, found which risks are and for what they have to be ready, as well as where they should be dramatically attentive for the effective functioning of the business and its development. During the second report, the business meetings participants identified with the speaker the main benefits of online business. The speech was devoted to earning in YouTube. Ruslan Pohytun described the main methods of the earnings, the features of each method and what kinds of them are most effective. After the reports, the participants put the speakers questions that most interested them and took part in active discussion.Some members of the business meeting talked about their ideas related to online business and received from speakers the valuable tips. |