Basque Country Digest

Basque Country Digest

25-30 April 2016 the Head of the Department of Economics and Business Administration of Sumy State University Prof. Leonid Melnyk, Director of the Research Institute for Development Economics of Ministry of Education & Science and National Academy of Science of Ukraine and Associate Professor of the same Department, Dr. Oleksandr Derykolenko took part in the 8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns “Transformative Action: the potential for Europe”.

The conference was held in Bilbao, the capital of Basque Country (north Spain). The conference was attended by nearly 750 representatives from 48 countries from all continents (except, of course, Antarctic).

The spirit of the conference is better transferred by the adopted the so-called Basque Declaration “New Pathways for European Cities and Towns: to create productive, sustainable and resilient cities for a liveable and inclusive Europe”. The Declaration presents three kinds of transformations.

The Socio-Cultural Transformations develop a “culture of sustainability” based on equal access to municipal services for all citizens, nurturing the “sharing economy”, “collaborative economy” or “civic economy” and other approaches that combine the ideas of entrepreneurship, civic engagement and societal transformation.

The Socio-Economic Transformations are targeted at the formation of decentralized renewable energy production, local food production, innovative transportation concepts, new approaches to social services and many other innovations, development towards a circular economy, to reduce the need for natural resource consumption and the production of waste.

The Technological Transformations apply new and smart technologies that support the necessary socio-cultural and socio-economic transformations and serve the interest of the citizens and the public good, as well as form “Internet of things” и “Internet of citizens”.

Our scientists participated in the round table debate, a poster presentation, including the results of the EU Jean Monnet project, headed by Prof. L.G. Melnyk.

In addition to research programs, the “field studies” were particularly interesting. In particular, on an excursion our representatives got acquainted with the work of the wave power station in the bay near the town of Mutricu.

The Conference Organizing Committee

Guests of the conference were warmly greeted by stained glass of Basque Council (parliament) and the traditional orchestra

The opening ceremony began with the national Basque dance

The conference represented all continents

Plenary session speech

Round table discussion

Professor L.G. Melnyk during the plenary session

Associate Professor O.M. Derykolenko during the conference

Poster presentation

Discussion with Dr. John Dagevos from Tilburg University, the Netherlands, who examines the problems of a circular economy

Practical section: bike traction juicer

Presentation of a 16-seat autonomous, driverless electrobus developed by the French company «Navya». It is used in French cities Bordeaux and Lyon, as well as in Swiss city Sion

The wave power plant in Matricu

In the turbine hall of the wave power plant

A good view of the Bay of Biscay from the roof of the wave power station

Matricu town

The beauty of the Basque Country (The Bay of Biscay)

Basque Country Emerald

The background of the beautiful city of San Sebastian

Is this that Buyan Island, described by Pushkin?! (View from San Sebastian quay)

In San Sebastian park

Almost a fairytale royal Palace in San Sebastian, where the participants of the conference had the mayor hosted reception

During the reception in the Palace

The Mayor welcome speech

Cultural program: Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art Bilbao

Beautiful Bilbao view from the museum

Any plate rolling manufactory would envy this art installation

… and such – boiler manufacturing

Beautiful Bilbao

Spring Bilbao

It is always sad to say goodbye to such cities… But why not everyone make his/her hometown same beautiful?.. Same beautiful but in its different way. It requires to implement one of sustainable development principles “Think globally – act locally!” … It is very important only to save his/her own special three PALM TREES as M. Lermontov taught.