Balatsky ASI FEM gained international grant within program Erasmus+ Jean Monnet |
Recently it was announced the results of Jean Monnet Programme at the site of the European Commission. Among more than two hundred winning proposals Ukraine got eleven and one of them belong to SSU.
The team of Balatsky ASI FEM led by PhD, Asssosite professoer of Economics and Business Administration department Oleksandr Kubatko would provide a three-year training Jean Monnet module 573581-EPP-1-2016-1-UAEPPJMO-MODULE on “EU trade opportunities and challenges for Ukraine”. The program envisages the following courses (modules): «European economy and EU trade policy», «Basics of European economy and EU trade policy», EU trade and Ukraine», «EU trade policy: experience from the Visegrad States». Also it is planned to publish book and monograph within a Module, to run a round tables debates on the subject of project and to develop e-learning courses using OCW platform of SSU for better dissemination of project results.
Project results are also can be found on national Erasmus+ office in Ukraine