At the department of Economics and BA the educational and methodical business center was established

At the department of Economics and BA the educational and methodical business center was established

On June 13, 2013 by the decision of SSU Academic Council the educational and methodical business center (EMBC) was established at the Department of Economics and BA.

The main goal of the center is the practical realization of scientific, professional and intellectual potential of teachers, staffers and students of SSU, other educational institutions, research institutions and organizations for youth potential development and for addressing the social, economic and environmental challenges of business environment.

The main objectives of EMBC are:

  1. Provision of opportunities for students to get practical skills in the specialty (by involving them in economic, ecological and economic, social and ecological and economic research), and assistance in finding places for having their industrial and pre-diploma practice.
  2. Selection and personnel professional training in accordance with the wishes of the customer and with the jobs’ specificity of enterprises, institutions and organizations.
  3. Conducting long-term and short-term courses, workshops, seminars, symposia, “round tables”, conferences, summer schools for students, professionals from enterprises and institutions.
  4. Implementation of research in accordance with programs, plans, themes, economic contracts.
  5. Consulting on scientific research, its organization and scientific support, etc.