Yuriy M. Derev’yanko

Academic degree: PhD, Associate Professor

Position: Associate Professor

The main courses: Economics of Development, Basics of Systems Development, Sustainable Development (annotation), Foreign Economic Activity, Efficiency of Economic Systems, Managerial Economics

Research interests: Time Factor in Economics, Resource Constraints, Economics of Sustainable Development

Other responsibilities: Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the International Scientific Journal “Mechanism of Economic Regulation”

E-mail: yurii.derevianko@econ.sumdu.edu.ua

Tel.: +38 (0542) 33-22-23


Teaching activity:

Courses: “Economics of Development”, “Basics of Systems Development”, “Sustainable Development”, “Foreign Economic Activity”, “Efficiency of Economic Systems”, “Managerial Economics”, “Business: macro- and microenvironment”, “Projects Analysis”

Author and co-author of distance learning courses: “Projects Analysis”, “Foreign Economic Activity”, “Economics of Development”, “Efficiency of Economic Systems”

Co-author of 5 textbooks, 2 tutorials, 3 guidelines

Guide students: guide students to participate in scientific conferences, seminars and writing articles.

Scientific activity:

Candidate of economic sciences (Ph.D.) by speciality 08.00.04 “Economy and Management of Enterprise (by economic activity)” (awarded in 2009) on the topic “Scientific and methodical bases for providing enterprise economic activity efficiency in conditions of resources constraints”

Author and co-author of 5 monographs, 19 scientific articles

Participation in conferences: more than 30 scientific conferences (international and domestic), seminars

International individual grants: Germany (2003, 2005, 2009, 2013), Slovakia (2006), Belgium (2010), the Netherlands (2010), United Kingdom (2011)

Supervisor of Ph.D. students: Kozlov D.V. (2012-2017).

Scientific projects and grants (co-executor):

“Organizational and Economic Framework for Decision Ecological Conflicts” (Reg. #0111U006115, 2011–2016)

“Institutional Mechanisms of Integrated Management Process in Transition to Sustainable Regions Development in Ukraine and Belarus” (Reg. #0113U002790, 2013-2014)

Scientific supervisor of the research topic: “Grounding of Economic Decisions Based on the Time Factor” (Reg. # 0111U006117, 2011-2016).

Scientific internship:

Lund University (Lund, Sweden, 2007).

Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics (Maastricht, Netherlands, 2010).

Publications of Derevyanko Y.М.: