Mykola O. Kharchenko

Academic degree: PhD, Associate Professor

Position: Associate Professor

The main disciplines:  Economics and Management of Enterprise Unions Activity, Economics of Enterprise, Financial Management, Enterprise Potential and Development, Theory of Production and Costs, Production Economics and Management

Research interests: economics of enterprise, environmental economics, environmental losses, ecological and economic efficiency, ecologization, economics and management of enterprise unions activity, regional policy

Other responsibilities: materially accountable person of the Department


Теl.: +38 (0542) 33-22-23

Participation in trainings and scholarships:
Training in Lithuania at Kaunas University of Technology “Economic basis of sustainable development and green economy: issues for Lithuania and Ukraine” (2016, 2017).
Participation in state budget themes, grants and scientific projects:
“Institutional mechanisms of integrated management of the process of transition to sustainable development of the regions of Ukraine and Belarus” (№ 0113U002790). “Forming institutional and economic bases of sustainable development and green economy on regional level” (№ TAP LU-4-2016).

Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages, English (Level B2)

Publications of Kharchenko M.O.:

List of publications